28 November 2011

Our trip to Kuala Perlis

If you are thinking of eating the best seafood in northern Malaysia. Never miss Kuala Perlis's Seafood restaurant Hai Thien (Nearby the sea) 

                                           Where is the food?

                                            Me and Allister

                                            Me and Ben

26 November 2011

Dentist Day at SCA

Dentist.. almost everyone memorize their dentist day during kindergarten day,...

CERN: The Standard Model Of Particle Physics

This video explaining about the standard model of particle. In the beginning, particle was assume to be made from proton, neutron and electron only. However the new particles accelerator might change our idea about particle. Read it if you dare to venture to the realm of quarks, pi, sigma, delta and so on

Human Resources Class

Today our lecture is about strategic planning in school. We start with definition an background of strategic planning. 

" A strategic plan is the school's plan for how it will match its internal opportunities and threat in order to maintain a competitive advantage"

A good plan will determine where the school want to go over the next few years.....

25 November 2011

Easy to understand about light and its properties

This video I downloaded from, its about how to break the light speed in simplest explanation... at the same time challange what Einstein had laid for us.. enjoy.

Articles that I like soo much

For those who are aspire to be a hacker, I would like to suggest the following articles. This articles is basically discussing the implication of becoming a "good hacker"...this belief is contrary to the bad
hacker. Remember Neo in The Matrix

I am also keen on physics, this is how you should do a proper scientific investigation. The material is suitable for form 4 students, easy to understand and most of all points are presented in clear manner. For that matter kindly read the following material:-

21 November 2011

My IT class and Migraine

Today I am having my worst migraine for the month. I am also have to attend class during the morning and afternoon. Painkiller e.g Paracetamol wont do much.... How on earth can i concentrate in the class while having this..... 



Welcome to my blog, I wish all of you, the best and the most important enjoy reading my thought.....

20 November 2011



                                      MAIN BULIDING: VIEW FROM THE MAIN ROAD